Disaster can strike at any moment. It isn’t a pleasant thing to think about, but it is an unfortunate reality of the modern world that problems often arise when we least expect it. Being prepared should no longer be considered paranoia. Indeed, if you don’t have at least basic supplies store in case of emergency(whether for your home or for your business) you are being irresponsible. But what do you need? Many people focus on weapons and tools. These can be useful, of course. If you have a business which is still going to be required to operate in a disaster, then spare tools make a lot of sense. Others stockpile food, whether freeze-dried or canned. One thing you cannot overlook, however, is bulk water!
If you are sheltering in place, you need water stored for your family. A human being can survive roughly one week with no food or water, but(potentially) several months without food but with water.
If you are running an emergency response company, bulk water is required. You need clean water for your workers as they respond to the disaster. Water is crucial for physical labor. Imagine working out for several hours with no water!
How Much Do I Need?
One of your first considerations is how much bulk water storage you need. Good question! This is going to be different for everyone. FEMA recommends having one gallon per day, per person. So, if you live alone, and want to have a 72 hour store prepared, you need 3 gallons. If you have a large family, this gets a bit trickier. Many people who prepare bulk water storage invest in tanks or drums. This is a cost and space-efficient way to store your water. Trying to have hundreds of individual water bottles is obviously a less-than-ideal method.
If you are considering bulk water needs for your business, this will take a bit more planning and consideration. How many employees do you have? What sort of work do you do? If you are running a team of dispatchers, for example, you can get several stationary tanks at the workspace. You will essentially be sheltering in place while directing others. If you run a team of people who are actually going out and working in a disaster, this becomes more difficult.
Consider including some bulk water storage in company vehicles, even if it’s only a few gallons. This at least guarantees your employees have some level of preparation moving into a disaster response.
Another option is to have bulk water delivered. Certain companies, like Moffitt Services, which specialize in disaster response and heavy haul trucking can deliver bulk water. If you run an emergency response business which responds out to individual disasters, partnering with a company that can deliver water to the disaster zone might be the best of both worlds. While you’ll still want to have a working arrangement solidified ahead of time, partnering with a company to deliver bulk water can give you the peace-of-mind you need to focus on the task at hand!