So, you have done your research and bought an emergency generator. Now what? Whether you have bought a generator for a home or business, you will need to keep it in good operating order in case of an emergency. You can maintain your emergency generator easily by keeping a schedule and doing regular check-ups on your generator. However, you will need to properly plan and execute. You do not want to be in an emergency and have your generator fail. Here are some ways you can maintain your emergency generator so it doesn’t fail you when you need it most.
Turn Emergency Generator on Every 3 Months
If you have an electric starter, its best to maintain your emergency generator by cranking it up every three months. This will help the generator keep its charge. It’s also a good idea to let it run for a couple of minutes and let it get to full power. This is a generator maintenance tip that can pay off dividends in the storm season. Keep track of having a storm calendar when storm season starts. You can make a list of all the supplies and maintenance you need to undergo during the storm season. Do this especially during the offseason as well, as it can be a great way to maintain a portable generator.
Replace and Top off Fuel
Fuel can sometimes go bad after a certain period. If your generator has been sitting for months without running or changing the fuel, it can easily go bad. Maintain your emergency generator by replacing your fuel often and keeping track of when you last had it filled. If its storm season, make sure to top off fuel often. It’s a small habit that you can build but will make you more prepared for a power outage. Topping off your fuel is a great way to maintain your emergency generator because you check your machine often. Businesses should look at bulk fuel providers who can schedule regular refueling.
Test Fuel
If you are a bigger business that needs large quantities of fuel to maintain your emergency generators then you will want to test your fuel. Sometimes contaminants such as water, waxes, naturally occurring gum, algae, and others can contaminate your fuel. It’s best to test often and make sure you don’t have a leakage in your storage. You maintain your emergency generator by protecting bad fuel from damaging your engine. The best method for this is to hire a company that already has the tools to test your fuel and make routine check-ups.
Change Filters
A simple and great way to maintain your emergency generator is to change out your filters. We also recommend coupling this with changing out spark plugs. Making it a regular part of your generator maintenance plan can save you time and money. If you replace it often, your generator won’t break down unless it has a major malfunction. It’s easy to implement and is one of a couple of easy ways to maintain your emergency generator.
Change Oil
When first getting your generator, you will need to change the oil after the first 30 hours. After that, you can change the oil every 100 hours. Make sure during storm season to have ample oil stored up. If you are a business, you will want to have a dedicated lubricant services provider who can provide that oil even in an emergency. Working with the right provider can help you prepare and maintain your emergency generators during the storm season.
Can you maintain your emergency generator? Do you know if you should even get a backup generator? Moffitt Services is here to help guide you. We have a guardianship program that can help maintain your business generators, especially during an emergency. We have the tools and experience to help you. Contact us today and see why our customers trust us during an emergency.